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A national leader since 1994 in creating, building and managing wetland mitigation banks.
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Andalusia Slough Wetland Mitigation Bank
70.17 acres restored, 66.86 mitigation credits
Wetland Banker: Wetland Mitigation of Illinois (WMI)
Land Owner: Wetland Mitigation of Illinois
Long Term Manager and Land Owner:
Illinois Department of Natural Resources
Brad Semel
110 James Road
Spring Grove, IL
USACOE Permit CEMVR-OD-P-2005-205
Status: Fully Built, Met Final Performance for
AMCE & All Credits Released
Land and Water Resources, Inc. teamed up with Ecologic Planning to form Wetland Mitigation of Illinois (WMI). WMI purchased a 70 acre farm adjacent to the Andalsuia Slough, a US Fish and Wildlife Service Refuge. WMI was responsible for all aspects of the bank from conception, development, financing, permitting, construction, operation, and sales.
Management activities at the site included aggressive herbiciding of invasive species, mowing and burning. At the end of the project WMI will donate the land to IDNR. WMI was able to create and sell 66.86 acres of wetland mitigation credits to offset wetland impact.
The site, prior to permitting, was a farm field with extensive hydric soils and field tiles in the Mississippi River floodplain. WMI broke field tiles, created a series of berms across the slope and then seeded the site in 2006 and 2007. The site will develop into a floodplain forest interspersed with emergent wetland. In late 2006, WMI conducted additional grading to capture additional water on the site.